Goodreads Review

Justice for Skylar - Sandrine Gasq-Dion

First off, I received my copy of this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review via the "Don't Buy My Love" event hosted by the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.

A young man has gone from rags to riches but still struggles with the scars of his past. He deals with his attraction to a man he thinks he can't have, the development of an ability to manipulate water, and a group of power hungry people who want him in their possession.
Skylar Foxx and Justice Salvatore dance around their mutual attraction while trying to figure out who is after Skylar and why.
At first, I thought Skylar's character was a little flat; but I attributed this to my not having read the Assassin/Shifter series that precedes this one.
Various problems crop up throughout the storyline, providing a consistent level of tension that keeps the reader engaged. I enjoy that some loose ends are left to be continued in the books that will follow.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern in my taste for favorite characters. They are rarely one of the main characters. More often than not, I end up favoring one or two of the supporting characters. In this book, my favorite characters are Killian and Stone (I'm sooooooo looking forward to THAT story!).

I was able to relate to a part here or there, but I've never experienced first-hand anything that Skylar has dealt with. Still, it was very real. The mental/emotional scars and his reasoning for his actions make perfect sense.
At first I had a bit of a hard time getting into this work, but about a third of the way in I started to grasp everything a little better and was drawn in. I think it would have been easier if I had read the series (Assassin/Shifter) that precedes this one first.

My favorite part of this work is the interactions between ALL of the characters. Normally, I dislike works in which the majority of the characters are gay/lesbian. It's unrealistic. In this however, it works very well. I find it rather believable, and it does not come across as overdone.
If I had to choose a least favorite part, it would be the beginning. To me, it was very abrupt. It's like jumping into water that you thought was only a few feet deep only to find that it's more like twenty. Again, I think the remedy to this would be reading the Assassin/Shifter series BEFORE reading this book.
I really enjoyed this book and I think I'm going to have to read the Assassin/Shifter series before I read any of the books that come after Justice for Skylar.
This will definitely be one I'll read again in the future.