Don't Buy My Love

Love Rising (Isla Sagrario) - Piper Vaughn

First off, I received my copy of this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review via the "Don't Buy My Love" event hosted by the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.

A lone man with a past that left deep scars on his mind and his body gets a fresh start on an island where he isn't in danger for being gay. He still seems to just drift through his existence, watching as the other islanders find relationships with one another, until one day he is asked to see to some flotsam that washes ashore.
Francis rescues the merman mixed up in the flotsam whom he comes to affectionately call Wick.
Francis's past was a little dark, though it didn't affect his daily life save for certain triggers. Wick's side of the story is mostly a mystery, but the way he is presented by Piper Vaughn is nothing short of delightful. From the speech barrier to the shift in his emotions, the author does a wonderful job of bringing these two together.
Francis goes to great lengths to keep Wick a secret from the rest of the islanders, going so far as to ask someone to fill in for him at work so he can "attend urgent matters" *cough* stay home and ogle the merman in his tub all day *cough*
After returning Wick to the sea, Francis becomes rather depressed. He works himself to exhaustion trying to drive away the feeling of loneliness he is left with. A twist here, a turn there, and voila.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Normally I either don't connect with short stories, or if I do they leave me unsatisfied and wanting more. I must say that while this was not a lengthy read, I was certainly satisfied by it. I want more, yes; but I want more precisely because it was so satisfying. I'm hoping by the way it is listed on GR that it is slated to be part of a series centered on Isla Segrario.
My favorite part of this book was the first actual sexual encounter between Francis and Wick. I certainly applaud Piper Vaughn for not shying away from the details and turning out a steamy encounter.
I don't have a least favorite part of this book, though I admit that some parts in the beginning were a little confusing to me.
There is nothing I feel that this book lacks. (I would love to see a sequel from Wick's POV someday though ;) )